HOME Phase 2: Letter from GENA President (April 21, 2024)

Hi Neighbors, Here’s hoping your spring is off to a great start! First off, I wanted to let everyone know about some major zoning changes the city is planning to implement that could have a dramatic impact on our neighborhood…

South Austin Neighborhood Park: Updates

Galindo Neighborhood Association (GENA) has applied for a Community Activated Park Project (CAPP) with the Austin Parks and Recreation Department as a continuation of longterm eco-restoration projects and ongoing invasive non-native plant and tree eradication in South Austin Neighborhood Park. …

Welcome to the New GENA.ORG!

The re-launch of gena.org has arrived! We have revamped our website to provide more information and have enhanced the look and feel to be compatible with all devices (including mobile users!). Stay tuned over the coming months as we build…

HOME Initiative – GENA Response

Resolution regarding the Pool Resolution Home Options for Middle Income Empowerment (HOME) approved by the Galindo Neighborhood Association at its November 27th, 2023 general membership meeting. Whereas, Galindo Neighborhood Association, GENA, is concerned the HOME resolution’s impact on the environment will devastate the…