600 Cumberland Road Preparation for BOA Meeting

Hi Neighbors,

Thank you all for coming to the GENA meeting last Monday night. We wanted to update you on the 600 Cumberland Road project.

We met with an attorney last week to see what our best options are. We are currently planning to present our side on December 9th at 5:30pm at the Board of Adjustments. All neighbors are encouraged to attend, though please note it is possible that meeting will be canceled like the November 14, 2024 hearing was due to lack of a quorum.

Regardless, we have a working group assembled that is creating a five minute presentation to counter the developer’s proposal. This proposal must be submitted to the city no later than December 2nd, 2024 at 3:00pm.

What can you do now?
If you have’t sent in your protest to the Board of Adjustments, please do it as soon as possible. If you’ve lost the form, please download it from our website here and follow the instructions on the form for submitting it properly to Elaine Ramirez at elaine.ramirez@austintexas.gov.

We are compiling a list of all the negative effects an 8 story building without the required 25 foot buffer will have for the immediate neighbors and the neighborhood as a whole, so if you think of something, please forward it to president@gena.org or communications@gena.org.

Stay updated on our website, our Facebook group, and make sure you are on our e-mail list. We’ll let you know where and when to show up when you are needed or if there is a postponement.

Lastly, if you haven’t joined the neighborhood association, please take a moment to do so here. The dues are $20.00 per household and we can waive the fee if requested. We so appreciate your support! The dues help us operate the organization by funding items like website hosting fees, PO Box fees, and signage (just to name a few!) so that we can keep everyone informed on what’s happening in Galindo.

Please know we are doing everything we can to stop this variance. If you have further ideas please contact Patty directly at president@gena.org.

Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

Patty Sprinkle

GENA President

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