600 Cumberland Road: Variance Request

Editor’s Note 12/5: The city council hearing for “600 Cumberland Road” is currently planned for December 9th, however GENA has requested a postponement until the January 13th hearing. Read more about that here.

Hi Neighbors,

GENA has been keeping an eye on the property at S 1st St. and Cumberland Rd (“600 Cumberland Road”) for about 3 years now. The proposed project has evolved into an 8 story Condominium Residential building with 110 units and mixed use general retail zoning.

Source: https://www.notionaldevelopment.com/portfolio/600-cumberland

The applicant is requesting a variance from the current Density Bonus Equitable Transit Oriented District compatibility requirements that would increase the maximum height from 60 ft to 90 ft.

In addition, the applicant is seeking to reduce the minimum compatibility buffer from 25 ft to approximately 2.5 ft at the closest point and 5.5 ft at the widest point from neighboring property lines.

What does this mean for me?
If you are a neighboring property and this variance is approved, you can expect that the building will be placed significantly closer to your property line. 

You can also expect that the building will be more stories than was previously expected.

What happens next?
The Board of Adjustments will soon hear the variance request for C15-2024-0040. The next hearing is on December 9th, but GENA has requested a postponement until January 13th. We will know on December 9th whether the postponement has been granted.

Meeting agendas for all BOA meetings are available here and will be posted ahead of time: https://www.austintexas.gov/cityclerk/boards_commissions/meetings/15_1.htm.

What can I do?
If you want to speak at the City Council meeting, you can provide comments in person or on the phone. You may also send in written feedback. Instructions or how to provide both written and verbal feedback are here: https://gena.org/600-cumberland-instructions-for-written-and-verbal-feedback/.

For any other questions or feedback please reach out directly to GENA President Patty Sprinkle at president@gena.org.

How do I learn more?

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